Insights from SCA Staff

What Can You Really Expect from a Skilled Counselor?

People tend to underestimate counseling and the ability to truly connect with a skilled and dependable counselor. Despite this fact, counseling helps people find and heal the root of their issues all the time, and there are a lot of things that a truly resourceful...

How Can You Know When It’s Time to See a Counselor?

Although there used to be a stigma related to seeing a counselor or a therapist, nowadays it’s all but vanished. You can go and see a counselor just about any time you want, whether it’s because of a traumatic event that’s very difficult to face, or whether you’re...

The Importance of Talking to Your Partner About Marriage Counseling

Marriage counseling is usually regarded as a sensitive topic. However, when you’re constantly fighting with your partner, or when the spark of passion seems to have faded, it’s important to draw on the roots of your connection and talk about the issue openly. In most...