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Mindfulness is a psychological state in which you are aware of what is happening to you and around you right now. In other words, it is living in the moment, without worries about past or future situations.

However, that can be very difficult to achieve on a hectic schedule. Yet, it can be done. Here are just a few tips on mindfulness from Christian therapists near me to help you stay mindful even on a very busy day:

  1. Begin Your Day with a Few Minutes of Meditation

As you go to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth, take a few moments to pause all your thoughts. Forget about the commute. Forget about the workload. Look yourself in the mirror and become aware of who you are. Recognize the joy of being right here, right now and having a safe, warm house around you.

  1. Do Something Thoughtful for Others

Being mindful is also being aware of the others around you. Do you see a colleague struggling with her arms full of files to hit the elevator button? Do that for her. Do you see a magazine one of your friends’ children wanted because it contains a collectible toy or card? Get it for them. Or even help the proverbial old lady cross the street.

  1. Enjoy Slow Eating

Eating is not just necessary for our body; it is a soothing action for our minds. Stop eating in a hurry and actually enjoy the taste and texture of your lunch. Savor every bite and be grateful for being able to afford it. You will return to your work with a complete sense of satiety – not just of hunger, but also of mind.