Living in a state of continuous worry is bad for your health – both for your mind and your body. Yet, it is so easy to create and build up worry starting from a negative thought. Amplified by stress, this can turn into the enemy inside you, which does not leave you alone to breathe free.

Christian therapist in Denver can help you overcome worry and anxiety

However, there are ways to stay in control and stop worrying. Here are just a few simple habits you should develop:

  1. Stop Imagining What Others Think Is my boss looking cross at me? Perhaps he considers firing me. Or maybe he is having a bad headache and considers asking you whether you have an Advil. Don’t put words in people’s mouths and thoughts in their minds. It is counterproductive on all accounts. You may appear suspicious and unfriendly to others as you are trying to guess their thoughts. Instead, focus on trying to be helpful and cooperative, a positive action that costs you nothing and brings you lots of benefits.
  1. Accept that Certain Things Are Out of Your Control You cannot control everything affecting your life. A bad storm may damage your house – but you cannot control weather. Instead, you can buy extended insurance for your home. The economy may hit another crisis point – and you cannot control the fact that you may lose your present job. Instead, try to keep your skills up to date so you can find another job if necessary.
  1. Practice Sports Negative thoughts and worries tend to overcome you when you are idle. So try to fill your spare time with physical activities: jogging, playing sports, gardening, etc. These activities will keep your body in good shape and your mind focused on positive things instead of negative ones.

If you or someone you know is having a problem with worry or anxiety, a solution focused Christian therapist Denver psychologist will be happy to meet with you and guide you through a process to help you feel more at peace and comfortable with yourself and your surroundings.