Therapist in Broomfield can help resolve anxiety issues

Anxiety can manifest itself in a multitude of forms, from physical symptoms to emotional and mental manifestations. Even in its mild form, anxiety might alter the decisions made by the person suffering from the problem – here are some manifestations that are considered to be mild, but make life more difficult, nevertheless:

  • Difficulties performing tasks that require focus and concentration – anxiety affects the ability to focus, making seemingly simple tasks, such as driving, more difficult and uncomfortable;
  • Memory problems – the brain is more intensively engaged during episodes of anxiety, impairing the ability to remember the place of everyday objects, names or important tasks;
  • Poor sleep – anxiety is also known to disrupt sleep patterns. Poor-quality sleep prevents proper resting and the resulting fatigue further aggravates the symptoms;
  • Nightmares – anxiety might also lead to nightmares, often to having the same bad dream over and over again;
  • An impaired immune system – prolonged anxiety weakens and compromises the immune system, making the anxiety sufferer more sensitive to infections, colds, flus and other illnesses that the body could ward off easily, should it have a strong immune system;
  • Poor decisions – anxiety also impairs logical thinking and decision making based on logical reasoning.

If you or someone you know is suffering from anxiety, make an appointment with a CBT therapist in Broomfield for expert services.