Counseling appointments can be difficult to deal with at the best of times. Whether you’re going to a marriage or family Littleton counseling session, it’s important to remember some general facts about how to get ready, so that your session will be productive:

  1. Try not to be too stressed out. A lot of the problems that come up during counseling sessions for married couples arise because the participants are easily triggered and become unwilling to sit down and discuss the problem in a civilized way. Relaxing with your favorite music or some breathing and meditation exercises can help a lot regarding that.
  2. Leave your planning and preconceived notions at home. Counseling is usually something that helps you in the “here” and “now” regarding your real life problems. So don’t try to mask your issues or plan out the counseling session to make yourself look better.
  3. Get into “listening mode.” If you’re a person who loves to talk, this can be difficult to achieve, but it will help you a lot regardless of the type of counseling you are considering. Listening more will help you get useful information about yourself and how you relate to others. It can also assist you with your self-introspection efforts for a healthier self-image.

Littleton counseling session