Anxiety is a fundamental emotion that people of all cultures deal with. Maybe the term is not so familiar to everyone, but this emotion is known to all of us – we have lived it in many life situations, starting with a very early age. We understand anxiety as something related to fearing and worrying; we expect something bad to happen or we feel that we are no longer safe. Here are some typical examples:

  • You do not know what it will be like during an exam or an interview for a job. Will it be hard? Will you manage? What questions will they ask you? What will the others say if you fail? Maybe all will be fine… but maybe not!
  • You are out and walk on a dark alley. Are you safe?
  • Someone dear is seriously ill. You do not know what the prognosis is. Will the person going to be alright? Will the treatment be functioning?

Anxiety is not a mental problem or a term that defines a bad emotion, as long as it does not become pathological. Fortunately, all anxiety disorders can be effectively treated by the following two forms of therapy, applied independently or in combination:

  • Medication – anxiolytic, antidepressant or beta-blockers (drug treatment should be takes only under the close supervision of a psychiatrist).
  • Cognitive-behavioral anxiety treatment Denver psychotherapy – it can normalize brain activity in neuronal circuits that present dysfunctions in anxiety disorders.

anxiety treatment Denver