Mental disorders are conceptualized as functional disorders of the brain, which can be caused by developmental processes modeled by the complex interaction of genetics with individual experience. In other words, mental illness is based on brain imbalances caused by hereditary influences on its development, depending on the biological and environmental contexts.

Southwest Counseling professionals provide excellent mental health services

Over one third of the world’s total population suffers from mental disorders. Here are some of the most common.

Generalized anxiety disorder

It is a condition characterized by excessive anxiety, worry and panic. Symptoms manifest for a longer period of time, at least 6 months, and may be caused by a series of events or activities. The affected person cannot control their emotions and worries.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

The obsessive compulsive disorder is characterized by the existence of ideas caused by images, obsessions and impulses to do something that will diminish the anxiety (usually a series of “rituals” consisting in repetitive behaviors).

Phobic disorders (phobias)

Phobic disorders are characterized by intense, persistent and unfounded fears triggered by various situations, circumstances, objects, etc. These cause anxiety and a desire for isolation. They are classified as general (agoraphobia, social phobia) or specific.

Panic attack and disorders

Panic attack is the sudden manifestation of a state of discomfort, panic access, anxiety and fear accompanied by somatic and cognitive symptoms. Panic disorders include the repeated occurrence of panic attacks, along with fears about future attacks and behavioral changes that avoid situations that could predispose to new crises.

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with the excellent therapists at Southwest Counseling. They are caring, well trained, and professional.