see a Christian counselor in Denver for mental health support

Mental health issues can have one of a number of possible causes, depending on the patient’s background. Professional therapists will tell you that sometimes the cause can be very simple and seemingly insignificant – such as being yelled at by a parent. In other cases, the cause can be a powerful, traumatic event such as losing a limb or being attacked by someone in broad daylight.

In each case, however, it is the person developing the mental disorder who ends up determining – either consciously or subconsciously – that the problem is overwhelming enough to require such a response. What happens in most cases is that the mind tries to defend itself against a certain type of trauma or pain that feels too overwhelming, and ends up developing some form of anxiety, PTSD or depression.

The actual causes can, of course, differ from person to person, but the effects are typically quite similar and cataloged by professionals through specific types of mental disorders. Unfortunately, rather than going to the core of the issue, many practitioners are happy to just treat the symptoms.  Speak to esteemed Christian therapists near me to see what approach they would recommend.

Learning about the deeper cause can help you to sometimes even heal from it completely. With practices like NLP, EFT tapping, as well as yoga and meditation, you can even gain a full recovery as long as the cause is not physical (such as head trauma caused by an accident) and the problem has been discovered relatively early on.