The Covid crisis is affecting everyone to a smaller and larger extent – here are some signs that the lockdown and global health crisis are affecting your mental health and you need to take measures to counter those effects:

  • Your sleeping or eating patterns have changed – if you feel hungry all the time or if you don’t seem to care about food at all, it may be a sign of an altered state of mind, caused by a combination of crisis-related anxiety and the lack of physical exercise. The same goes for sleeping patterns as well – if you feel drowsy all the time or you can’t get proper sleep at night, these might also be reactions to the crisis;
  • Constant worrying and anxiety – if you don’t seem to be thinking about anything else except the health risks and the threats caused by the pandemic, it is also a sign that you are overwhelmed by the situation; This may be a great time to have a conversation with a helpful Christian therapist in Denver. Their caring support may offer you relief during this difficult time.
  • Too much screen time – feeling uneasy when you are not watching Covid news is another very common sign that your mental health is affected.

Taking an inventory of your symptoms and developing a daily routine that addresses those symptoms through physical exercise, healthy meals and reduced screen time are great remedies – implement the changes and you will feel better instantly, not only mentally, but physically, too.

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