The lock-down is hard on most of us – while spending more time together with our life partner is something that we think of as a great thing, something that can strengthen our relationship, spending all the time together for weeks or months on end is experienced by many couples as surprisingly difficult. Being together all the time has put an even more serious burden on couples who have had relationship issues before the lock-down. marriage counseling Littleton CO Christian therapists

However, there are many ways to survive that “intensive togetherness” – here are some tips from marriage counseling Littleton CO Christian therapists:
– Don’t hide your anxiety – this lock-down is not business as usual and each of us experiences it differently. Honesty and openness about our feelings is a great way to put any marriage on new grounds, so try to have a deep conversation with your partner about the feelings that both of you go through;
– Implement some rules that will give both of you some privacy – having some time all for yourself is essential for your mental and emotional strength and your partner also needs some time alone, so try to figure out together how each of you can have that privacy. Being able to spend some time on your own will make the time spend together with your partner and with the rest of your family more enjoyable.