During the pandemic, therapists moved their office sessions online, on Skype or WhatsApp Video. Patients had two options: either continued their treatments via online sessions or give up.

Therapy sessions in the online environment are an integral part of all the resources that a therapist can usually offer. There were patients who, even before the pandemic, preferred meeting their therapists online (those who traveled abroad, or patients who could simply not get to the office).

couples counseling Broomfield CO

Just like in the regular office environment, the therapist becomes responsible for creating a suitable emotional space for each patient and/or couple to feel comfortable. The difficulties are that in some cases patients feel uncomfortable talking in front of a screen, or therapists feel that it is difficult to maintain the atmosphere of the meeting or to achieve a certain intimacy (especially if there are difficulties with the internet connection).

Also, what is missing in the online environment is physical proximity. Therapists say it is more difficult to analyze body language that can help them better understand how sensitive a particular subject is to the patient.

However, in demand couples counseling Broomfield CO therapists emphatically agree that online therapy is still a good alternative during this period, to continue the therapeutic process in which patients have invested energy, time and financial resources.