COVID-19 has already caused a lot of death and suffering, but the unseen wounds are often the ones that are the deepest. If your marriage was already suffering before COVID, you might have found that being stuck inside with your spouse for days on end and only being able to leave the home for a limited time to get groceries and run important errands didn’t help much. In fact, it could have caused more harm than good.

In many cases, they say that there are actually four people in a relationship instead of two: the two actual individuals and the imaginary perceptions they have of each other. The less your view of your spouse matches his/her real desire for love and good intentions, the more you might tend to feel anxiety, fear, anger or depression whenever you interact or think about them.

Such feelings can be magnified in a state of fear and anxiety such as the one caused as a result of COVID-19, and watching the news or listening to panicked family members on the phone definitely didn’t help many people either.marriage counseling Broomfield

Therapy can help you deconstruct your false impressions and beliefs, while giving you a more objective view of what you can do and how you can achieve a more positive and healthy interaction and communication with your spouse. Through gentle lessons and gradual exercises from marriage counseling Broomfield caring professionals, you can get to a point where most of the problems you didn’t even know you had will be healed, and you can start your relationship fresh, realizing that there’s still so much more to learn about the precious person that you once fell in love with.